The immune system is often mentioned and we all know that its role is to protect us from various bacteria, viruses, and other diseases.
However, many are not entirely sure what exactly immunity is. The immune system can be defined as a network of biological processes that include organs, cells, and hormones.
If you weren’t aware of its importance before, you certainly became aware during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Let us help you and explain how to strengthen it in 6 easy steps.
Signs of a strong immune system
Do you remember the last time you had the flu? If the answer is a long time ago, it is certainly a clear sign that you have a strong immune system.
But even if you recently had the flu or a cold, it does not mean that your immunity is poor.
It is normal to fall ill occasionally.
Nevertheless, how long did it take you to recover?
A very fast recovery also shows the condition of your body.
If the symptoms disappeared in just a few days instead of lingering for weeks, you can be very pleased.
According to Michelle Konstantinovsky, if you get over the flu in 7 to 10 days, you can consider yourself a healthy person.
Sound sleep, plenty of energy throughout the day, and mental clarity are just some of the numerous signs.
How to boost the immune system quickly?
Whether you recognized yourself in the previous paragraph or not, you should pay attention to the following tips.
If you already have a strong immune system, even better, you just need to maintain it because that can change. If you are often sick, then let’s boost it quickly.
Good nutrition – best way to boost immunity at home
Healthwise, a nonprofit organization, reminds us that nutrients are like fuel for our bodies. It is of course figurative language because the body is not a car, but it certainly has a point.
You cannot expect to be healthy and have a strong immune system if fast food is your main source of macronutrients.
The diet must be well-balanced. You should base your diet around protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates.
Such foods will provide you with everything you need, and will also help you feel full longer and thus avoid binge eating.
Take vitamins and drink enough water
You will get most of the necessary micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) from food. But since soil depletion occurs due to intense, mismanaged farming, the amount of micronutrients in food is declining, and that’s why you need to take supplementation.
The combination of zinc and selenium is key to a strong immune system. Also, during the winter, take vitamin D, and vitamins B and C are recommended as well.
We must not forget hydration. Water is essential for life. According to one credible study, lack of water has a comprehensive negative impact on our short-term and long-term health.
Drink about a liter of water per 25 kg of body weight per day. The color of your urine is a good indicator of water intake and your urine should be pale yellow.

Whole-body cryotherapy – a revolutionary way to strengthen the immune system
Did you know that whole-body cryotherapy is beneficial for your immune system? An Italian study confirmed that the cryotherapy chamber is your ally.
Once you enter the chamber, your circulation will accelerate, and this will lead to the enrichment of the blood with oxygen and nutrients.
When the blood vessels expand, and the blood flow consequently improves, the body will be able to remove toxins faster.
Such a low temperature will have an anti-inflammatory effect too, while cortisol levels will drop.
All in all, this is a fantastic tool that is safe for most people.
Engage in regular physical activity
Do not confuse regular physical activity with bodybuilding. You don’t have to go to the gym and lift weights if you don’t want to.
But you should engage in vigorous physical activity for at least three hours every week. Of course, everything depends on your health and age.
Apart from those three hours, try to walk as much as possible. Avoid covering even the smallest distance by car.
Engage in regular physical activity
Do not confuse regular physical activity with bodybuilding. You don’t have to go to the gym and lift weights if you don’t want to.
But you should engage in vigorous physical activity for at least three hours every week. Of course, everything depends on your health and age.
Apart from those three hours, try to walk as much as possible. Avoid covering even the smallest distance by car.
Learn to manage stress
Stress is an inevitable part of our lives. Adults have always been exposed to stress, but today the situation is worse than ever.
That’s why we have to learn to cope with stress, otherwise, our immune system and whole body will suffer.
Learn to recognize situations that are only seemingly stressful, but in fact, you can get through them unharmed.
Also find what relaxes you, whether it’s sports, movies, or a night out.
Benefits of a strong immune system
The importance of a strong immune system goes far beyond the speed of recovery from the flu.
As Dr. Axel Kallies and her colleagues at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute in Parkville, Victoria reported, the immune system kills cells that have the potential to be cancerous every day. If it fails just once, you can be in serious danger.
Also, by strengthening it, you can influence the prevention of Type 2 diabetes and many other diseases.